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Ship's Wheel

Mike and Carrie come from a long background of service in the church and to the community through youth services. Through Ripple Ministries of Snohomish, we have launched the Teen Storytellers project that brings filmmaking education and experiences to at-risk and court-involved teens in Snohomish County. This work prompted our entrance into the world of real estate investment with the goal of sailing our own financial ship while further helping those in need of safe and supportive transitional housing. 

Plans are underway for our first house to be accredited and open to residents by November of 2023

If you are a case worker looking for superior housing , a renter or family member of someone in need of housing we would love to connect and see how we can help.

Helmsman House Fouindation Choices.png

If you are a Real Estate Investor, Lender, Contractor, or Service Organization we would love to partner with you to create clean, safe, and affordable transitional housing in Everett. Our plan is simple but and allows for the most help to those needing housing with a simple and straight forward strategy!

TSP-HHF Home Buying Chart.png
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